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Friday, February 6, 2015

Product spotlight: Ipsy monthly glam bag

I just wanted to make a quick post about this makeup subscription that I absolutely love and has provided me with products that I use constantly. 

I sometimes get questions on where I get  make up from and this is it..

The Ipsy Glam Bag is a monthly subscription that is very affordable at $10 a month. The bag comes with 5 types of beauty products ranging from make up, accessories, hair care and skin care from either big name brands to smaller businesses.
The January 2015 Glam Bag
I came across this when I saw a beauty guru on youtube mention it and as I did my research I learned that Michelle Phan one of the top beauty gurus on the internet was apart of it so I had to see what it was about!
Now I have been subscribed to this for a year and I haven't been disappointed in the products they have sent me.

One of things I love is that most of the products are full sized rather than just a sample, like other subscriptions I've tried and they come in practical bag that you can use in your every day life!

Since it is monthly, they have themes for the bags and different designs so no bag is the same.

So when you sign up on their website they will have like a quiz for you to take on your skin tone,eye and skin color, what your style is and your overall experience with using beauty products.

 Once you finish the quiz it will send you an e-mail that puts you on a waiting list (this may take up to 10 days)  or if you know someone who already is subscribed you can use their invitation link for easy access.
The awesome thing is you can try it out and if you aren't satisfied with it you can stop your subscription at any time.

Lucky for you, I'm going to give you an invitation link so you can try it out! CLICK HERE

Hope you guys enjoyed this post and I'll see you soon!


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